Open Source Summit EU 2022

Last week, several Enarx team members from Europe attended the Linux Foundation's Open Source Summit Europe 2022, which took place in Dublin, Ireland. Open Source Summit has become a conference umbrella, composed of a collection of events that covers the most important projects, technologies and topics in open source.
Enarx founder Mike Bursell gave a presentation covering the landscape of key Privacy-Enhancing Technologies (PETs), from FHE (Fully Homomorphic Technologies) to TEEs (Trusted Execution Environments, the basis for Confidential Computing). Interest in PETs has grown recently, as they can offer organizations new ways to manage the risks associated with deploying to the cloud, the Edge and beyond.
Jarkko Sakkinen was also in Dublin, where he gave a presentation at the Linux Security Summit Europe 2022. He presented the current state of Intel SGX support in the Linux kernel and userland. The topics covered included the kernel interface and its features, and available confidential computing run-times supporting SGX. Since getting into the mainline kernel late 2020, the SGX software ecosystem has started to get mature enough for production, and is the only cloud-scale confidential computing technology fully in the mainline kernel so far.
Additionally, Roman Volosatovs and Patrick Uiterwijk received attendees at the Profian booth, where they had the opportunity to showcase Try Enarx (a new platform where developers can try Enarx and Confidential Computing with the click of a button) and to share the Introduction to Confidential Computing white paper.