Enarx's Website

The Enarx project has a new website!

With the first release of Enarx, there was a need for a new website focused on documentation to receive developers interested in learning more about the project. The website is divided into two sections: Documentation and Resources.

Under Documentation, developers will find a Getting Started guide, an Installation Guide, a Contributing Guide, and a Technical Overview. Other documentation guides and tutorials are planned to be added in the following months, including an introduction to WebAssembly.

Under Resources, developers will find a rich collection of content created since the inception of the project 3 years ago: articles, blog posts, events, meetings, papers, podcasts, and release notes. There are currently 80 resources listed, which can be easily filtered.

Next steps include implementing sitewide search and internationalization. Thanks to our community, the Getting Started guide has been translated to Chinese, Spanish, and Hindi.

If you are interested in Confidential Computing and WebAssembly, this is the perfect time to join the Enarx community. Please head over to our new website, join our meetings, and come talk to us over chat!