Balmoral Castle: Enarx 0.2.0

This release is a developer-only, preview release. It is not production ready. We hope that you will experiment with it to see the progress we are making.
What's Changed
- wasmtime 0.34.0 with networking enabled
- WASI networking with pre-opened sockets
- See
for a full fledged mio example TCP server
- See
- GDB debugging
- SEV-SNP attestation
- Improvements in
enarx info
displaying additional information and JSON output support enarx sev vcek
- Download VCEK certificates for SEV platform and print to stdout in PEM format- Revamped pure WASI integration tests added
- A supported hardware platform
- Rust nightly
For build instructions, see our build documentation.
Known (Temporary) Issues
- Logging is forcibly enabled and outputs to standard error
- Incomplete WASI support
- All IO is unencrypted
- No validation of attestation
- No attestation support for SGX
A hearty thanks to everyone who has contributed over the last few years. This release would not be successful without you!
@MikeCamel @npmccallum @haraldh @connorkuehl @lkatalin @mbestavros @wgwoods @axelsimon @ueno @ziyi-yan @ambaxter @squidboylan @blazebissar @michiboo @matt-ross16 @jyotsna-penumaka @steveeJ @greyspectrum @rvolosatovs @lilienbm @CyberEpsilon @kubkon @nickvidal @uudiin @zeenix @sagiegurari
A special thanks to our new contributors:
@greyspectrum @bstrie @jarkkojs @definitelynobody @Deepansharora27 @mayankkumar2 @moksh-pathak @platten
Full Changelog:
This release has 2 assets:
Source code (zip)
Source code (tar.gz)
Visit the release page to download them.